SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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CurlJ |
Member since October 30, 2017

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About Me

Right now, I'm reading:
British poetry

My favorite story of all time is:
A Tale of Two Cities

In bed I like to read:

Besides SMITH, I read stories at:
The New Yorker

If you were to throw up your hands in exasperation and yell \"it's the story of my life,\" what would you be talking about?
Forgetting where I put my keys

What six words would I tell my teen self if I could go back in time?
Your life will be better soon.

The song that encapsulates the soundtrack of my life is?
Colder Weather

If I could have one person read my writing on SMITH it would be?
Beryl Harris, my high school English teacher

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