SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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Eppy |
Member since February 1, 2009

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About Me

Besides SMITH, I read stories at:
Truthdig and The Progress Report.

In bed I like to read:
...nothing, as reading in bed would render this middle aged body permanently paralyzed. Very near to my bed is a desk, where I typically read books by J. Krishnamurti, the spiritual teacher who eschewed all religious traditions and beliefs, meditation practices, and gurus purporting to be enlightened. I have also found my way back to early American history, and recently read Taming Democracy and James Madison and The Struggle for the Bill Of Rights.

My favorite story of all time is:
Herman Hesse's fictionalized account of the Buddha's life, Siddhartha.

Right now, I'm reading:
Krishnamurti's, Mind Without Measure and the Liberty Tree, a book about the role of \"common people\" in the American Revolution. I'm also looking forward to reading a recently published book about haiku entitled, Haiku Mind, by Patricia Donegan.

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