SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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MarchthisQ |
Member since March 19, 2009

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About Me

Besides SMITH, I read stories at:,

Right now, I'm reading:
I just picked up Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking. I finished Whip Smart last night.

If you were to throw up your hands in exasperation and yell \"it's the story of my life,\" what would you be talking about?
oh, something else that came up in my life that makes me different. Like, bam a chronic headache condition in addition to regular migraines. Or, bam I'm gay. Or, bam, my step-father passes away and suddly my mom's living situation is precarious, in addition to her chronic pain condition.

In bed I like to read:
A new memoir. Melissa Febos' Whip Smart was great, I just finished that.

My favorite story of all time is:
Wow-- um.. Lolita? It's a toss up between that and Middlesex.

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