SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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anntares |
Member since September 28, 2009

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About Me

If you were to throw up your hands in exasperation and yell \"it's the story of my life,\" what would you be talking about?
Being compelled to take a stand for truth and integrity no matter what trouble it gets me into or whose rights I end up supporting

My favorite story of all time is:
The stories told by the people of Fayette County, some WWII veterans, about their attempts to register to vote in the 1950s, early 60s before the Voting Rights Act protected them. See their stories in Robert Hamburger's \"Our Portion of Hell\"

Right now, I'm reading:
The script for \"Enron\" because the play was shut down almost before it opened.

Besides SMITH, I read stories at:
StoryCorps website and archives. You can tell your stories to that non profit organization and get a free DVD recording

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