SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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joon |
Member since March 7, 2008

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About Me

If you were to throw up your hands in exasperation and yell \"it's the story of my life,\" what would you be talking about?
a new unifying scientific/philosophy theory that somehow fused quantum entanglement and emergent systems with rainforest ecology.

Besides SMITH, I read stories at:
mcsweeney's internet tendency (online), barnes & noble (offline), public libraries. i am not technologically advanced, or really even aware.

In bed I like to read:
whatever i was reading before i got into bed. there are no special bedtime works. anyway, i try not to read in bed, because it makes it harder for me to fall asleep there.

My favorite story of all time is:
_the little prince_

Right now, I'm reading:
_the new yorker_; _3 plays by ibsen_; _eeeee eee eeee_; _how the dead dream_

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