SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words


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Lemon320 |
Member since September 9, 2011

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About Me

My favorite story of all time is:
This guy i met during the summer of 2010 it was fate that we met living only four blocks away we had never seen each other and the day we met was the day we fell in love and went out for a year and a half we were madly in love with each other but then something happened where we didn't drift but the spark faded and our love was so strong it got to be too normal, so eventually we broke up and me moved on but not completely although hes going out with someone now i know he loves me and maybe one day hell want me back and maybe not but i know we will always love each other and be there for each other because this guy, Klaus, he also became my best friend <3

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