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Official Rio+20 Documents unavailable to Delegates

BY thepariah on June 20, 2012
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unless they are Governmental delegates, other accredited delegates and the public, out of luck.

A senior UN official, who did not want to be named and asked for CFACT's video camera to be turned off, revealed the following facts to CFACT's representatives here in Rio:

1. There is no public UN documentation center at Rio, though such centers were always available at previous UN conferences.

2. Mr. Olafsson, a deputy Secretary General of the UN, had issued orders to all staff, presumably with the authority of Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, that the Rio negotiating text was now classified and was to be refused to all officially-accredited delegates from non-government organizations.

3. Delegates wishing to complain about the secrecy at the Rio conference had to make their complaint to the UN offices at the Rio conference center. The UN offices, however, were in a building for which special “secondary passes” were required. Delegates from non-government organizations were not entitled to secondary passes unless there were exceptional circumstances.

4. Copies of the negotiating text could be released at the request of a government delegate. However, for the first time, access to the plenary session at which the negotiations are taking place is also restricted. Accredited representatives of non-government organizations are not permitted to attend the plenary sessions.

5. Copies of the current text were also classified on the Rio conference's official website.

6. Delegates would find “RESTRICTED ACCESS” (Acesso Restrito) signs all over the conference center. Freedom of movement within the conference, even for accredited representatives, was no longer permitted.
h/t Tom Nelson

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