SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

Expectancy being reduced to months.

BY BecomingLuke on November 19, 2012
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When I was 15, after dealing with horrible pain for 6 years, I was diagnosed with RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a nerve disorder that causes excruciating chronic pain with no known cause.
Back then I was expected to be fine and be able to be in the 10% that reaches remission and stays there, today I'm being tossed from doctor to doctor as they try and figure out how to fix me and keep me able to walk and keep pain levels below 10.
About a year ago I had a doctor tell me that because I had not only not improved any but gotten much worse with every attempt at a treatment plan and because of that I may be in a wheelchair full time by the time I turn 20. Recently that has been reduced to 19, if I'm lucky.
That gives me 11 months, if I'm lucky.
Now I'm being handed pain pills like they're water and apologies like they're air. As my doctors (and their books) give my body an expectancy of when they believe it's going to quit and when I'm going to permanently be confined to pain and not being able to do anything other than maybe stand for a couple seconds here and there.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified.

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