SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

I want to remember this day.

BY Layne on April 18, 2013
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April 18, 2015. Today my town had a constant 30 mph wind with gusts up to 50 and bright clear skies. We couldn't pole vault because of the wind, and once we attempted drills without much success, my teammates and I started a pickup game of soccer, then wall ball. My coach had gone to help other events that could still practice but came back to find us doing playing like this. Normally we would get in trouble for this, but he gave us the day for team bonding instead, much to our surprise. My three teammates and I continued our games, laughing and goofing around, something I don't get to do much. We walked back inside to find our coach still there, and we sat and talked with him for another period of time. Days like today are what I want to remember. Having fun with my friends without a care. I still have an essay to write tonight, a huge test to prepare for, and pages of math problems that need solving. It doesn't seem so bad anymore though. If I can have a day like today where everything seem okay again, it just might be worth it. I could be doing alright.

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