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Humanity: being kind to dumb animals.

BY notyouraveragegirl on June 13, 2013
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This is something my father would say to me as a child when I would tease the cat or attempt to pull his tail. I would defensively retort that he is not dumb, but the smartest cat I know. This quote came to mind this week as I had heard of a story close to home of a humane officer shooting 5 cats that had outraged many animal rights activists. I was quite shocked by the story myself. A woman called the city with a complaint of feral cats on the property of her suburban residence. The humane officer responded, assessed the situation and made the decision to euthanize on site, to the horror of the resident. Unfortunately, there were children at home at the time who witnessed the incident. I am certain the situation could have been handled better, including communication of the options with the resident and securing the children so they would be protected of the graphic nature of the event. Certainly injection is the quietest form of euthanasia, but a fatal gunshot to the head is also deemed legal, acceptable, and humane by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Perhaps out of concern for his health safety and the safety of any additional handlers, the officer opted for this particular method. For the actions of this thirty year veteran, people are calling for his job and critics are blasting the city, wanting someone to be held responsible. Are we not all animals, merely acting on instinct within the moral and legal perimeters established? Should we not be more kind to each other and seek to understand before lambasting one another?

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