SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

Spent his first year defying odds.

BY BecomingLuke on September 1, 2014
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He was born soundless and still in a room full of panic of a young mother and military doctors. My brother in law was given emergency family leave from the Marines so that he could meet his son that wasn't supposed to make it.
From the moment he started breathing on his own, they were told that he would presumably never walk normally and would be delayed for the rest of his life.
Until he was 4 months old he never smiled and never made a sound, thus pushing his doctors to make even more assumptions about how he was developmentally delayed and may not ever speak or have control of his muscles.
At 11 months he started walking, shortly after that clumsily running around. He still doesn't say much and rarely cries but he's learning, slowly but surely. He never stops smiling and sticking his tongue out for pictures when my sister says "smile for daddy" or "smile for uncle Luke"
His older brother Devin started early on slipping out of his room at night to sleep on the floor next to DayLynn's bed, the first couple of times, part way through the night DayLynn would stop breathing, needing someone to just touch him so he would remember. Thankfully it's not that serious anymore.
He's my adorable baby nephew and I'm so happy that he's proved the doctors wrong so early on. And I'm very proud of his big brother for always knowing when he's needed to sleep near by.

Happy Birthday DayLynn, and please keep proving these doctors wrong about you.

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