Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute



Six-Word Memoirs® provides a simple way to engage and inspire anyone and everyone to get to the essence of who they are and what matters most.

We love sharing the art that is inspired by your Six-Word Memoirs. If you want to be featured on our homepage slider under Daily Illustration — and be considered for a future book — just follow these simple steps:

• Scan and crop a high-quality image of your Illustrated Memoir (we suggest between 200kb and 500kb)
• Save it as a jpeg labeled “Daily Illustration – Your Name”
• Email it to [email protected]
• Feel free to submit multiple illustrations! Just make sure they are each separate jpeg files.

Unfortunately, we do not have the bandwidth to edit all the illustrations sent to us, so if images are too low of quality or need edits we will be unable to use them.

Yes. We’ll send a note to the email you signed up to let you know you’re either a finalist or have been chosen to be in a book. Note: You must include your real name in your profile to be considered for a book. Your real name won’t be visible on Six Words, only to editors. We credit each memoirist by first and last name, and can only consider submissions for which we have this information for our books.

We don’t pay for stories. However, if your story is selected for a Six-Word book you’ll receive a free copy. Given that these books cost between $12-$15, that means you’ll have made $2-$3 a word. If you republish your words elsewhere, we do require you to include this credit line: “First appeared in Six-Word Memoirs®,” By registering on Six Words, you agree to our Terms of service where our copyright policies can be read in more detail.

You can join the Daily Six newsletter when you first register for Six Words or later. Become a fan of Six Words on Facebook for updates about new projects, contests, and events. And follow us on Twitter and Instagram to get some of the best Six-Worders of the day, new six-word challenges, and quick and fun contests.

We hope you’ll give six a try—and make your words count.

First, make sure you’ve verified your account. After signing up you should have received an email confirming your registration, with a link to verify your account (make sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it).

Once you’ve confirmed your registration, make sure you’re logged in (if you’re logged in, you’ll see your name in the top right corner of the site.) All your stories are found in your profile. Once you click on a story, you can edit, delete, share or email it.

  1. Log in using the email and password (lost it? See next item below) that you first signed up with.
  2. Once logged in, click on your name in white button in the top right corner of the site.
  3. Hit “edit my profile.”
  4. If you are adding or changing your profile photo, make sure the photo you’re uploading is small — under 250KB.
  5. If you want to be considered for a future book, we’ll need your real name. So if isn’t listed, add it now. (Your name won’t be visible on the site, only to editors for purposes of making a book.)

No problem. Go to the “Login” area (top right corner of website), and hit the “Forget Password?” button, found just below the form that asks for your email and password. We’ll send a new password to the email address you used to sign up with.

  1. Make sure you’re signed in.
  2. Click on your story.
  3. Look for this line, right under your story:

#permalink by Larry in Six-Word Memoirs Jan 08, 2013 » Edit This

  1. Click on “edit this.”
  2. Edit, delete, whatever you like.

Yes, here’s how. Below the area where you type in your story, you’ll see a field that says “image.” To the right of it is a button called “browse.” Click that takes you to your computer where you can select a photo for uploading. If your photo isn’t showing up, it’s probably because the file size is too large. Try uploading a smaller photo—under 300kb is ideal.

If the site looks weird, you’re probably using an older browser like Internet Explorer 6. We don’t support this browser. It is extremely old and unsafe. That’s why Microsoft has released new versions of its browser. Please visit Microsoft’s site and download a new version of Internet Explorer. Thanks.

This site has indeed been optimized to work on the latest browsers. That means Firefox, IE 6 & 7, and Safari. We use a lot of Javascript, so you’re going to need to have that enabled for the site to work properly. Why should you upgrade your browser? Because it’s better (and free). If you don’t feel you need to upgrade, that’s fine, but we’re a small company, and we don’t have the resources to support every version of every browser in existence. We hope you understand. For more tech questions, send an email here: [email protected]

It’s still here. If you wrote a Brush with Fame or My Ex story, we’ve moved it over to the Story Projects section. If your piece appeared in Memoirville, it’s right where it was. If you wrote a feature or did a photo essay, your story can be found in our feature archives. In all cases, your story’s original URL remains the same.

Sign up for our newsletter and you’ll hear about all the parties, contests, special projects, and our favorite stories from the site. You can join the newsletter when you first register, or by submitting your email in newsletter signup located in the top navigation area.

If you have a question about your account, never received a registration notification, or some such thing that has not been answered above, please send a note to [email protected].

Please be civil. We are a small company and will do our best to help you, and respond to each and every email. Nobody likes it when someone bursts into a room screaming and ranting.

If you notice a community member engaging in what you consider inappropriate behavior, please contact us IMMEDIATELY.

Please send a note to [email protected] from the email associated with your account, noting if it’s from SMITH of SMITH Teens, and we will almost always take care of your request within 24 hours.

Sure, you can go through our contact page or use these addresses.

Tech troubles: [email protected]

SMITHTeens specific questions: [email protected]

Advertising: [email protected]

Speaking: Tom Neilssen, BrightSight Group, [email protected]

Literary Agent: David Patterson, SK Agency, [email protected]

Still didn’t get my question answered: [email protected]

Old school: SMITH Magazine/Six Words, 33 W. 17th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10011