Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!
What’s the essence of your own or others’ Jewish life in six words?
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Oy! Only Six? Why Not More? Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life
From identity and mother issues to unfettered love of carbs and inner conflict over Israel—and the sheer joy of discussing and debating… everything—the Jewish life is a rich and storied topic for Jews and non-Jews alike. Share your six words on the Jewish Life to be considered for a future Six Words on the Jewish Life book.
Reboot is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to start discussions about Jewish identity, community, and meaning. Reboot is home to the Sabbath Manifesto, 10Q, the upcoming Beyond Bubbie project, and more.
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Contact editor Larry Smith (a Jewish “Smith”) about leading an interactive “Six Words on Jewish Life” talk or workshop at your synagogue, school or JCC.