Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak

Love wounds the heart and soul . . . here is what the media is saying about Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak.

NPR’s Talk of the Nation: “Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser, editors of the SMITH memoir collections, talk with host Neal Conan about the process of distilling stories of falling in—and out of—love into just a few words.”

NPR’s The Takeaway: Larry Smith talks to NPR’s The Takeaway about Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak and challenges NPR listeners to share their own stories in six words.

New York Times’s City Room Blog: “Summing Up Love in Six Words,” by Jenny 8. Lee.

New York Times “Well” Blog: “What’s your six-word love story?” by Tara Parker-Pope.

Newsweek: “That’s So Romantic. And So Brief.”

USA Today: “Love boiled down to just six words” by Carol Memmott

Entertainment Weekly’s “Must List”: “The new book focuses on the age-old puzzle of love and its related problems with memoirs that are clever, earnest, sad, and funny.” EW also salutes the six-word memoir form by presenting its Must List entirely in six-word entries.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer: “Wee tales of love and loss: Lovelorn, love-struck and bitter say it in six words,” by Cecelia Goodnow

Reader’s Digest: “Can you sum up your romantic life in just six words?”

San Francisco Chronicle: “Larry Smith, Rachel Fershleiser: 6-word life” by Justin Berton

New York Post: Page Six item, “Love and lust in a nutshell”

The Rocky Mountain News: “Six-word memoirs leave book lover speechless” by Patti Thorn

Los Angeles Times: “My favorites are those that have an ambiguity, where it’s hard to tell whether the memory is full of love or hate — or some mysterious combination,” writes “Jacket Copy” blogger Carolyn Kellogg.

WNYC’s The Leonard Lopate Show: Rachel and Larry talk to the winners of a SMITH and’s six-word memoir contest in a lively and intense 28-minute segment.

WGBH’s “Greater Boston with Emily Rooney”: Straight from a cross-country flight (thank you Green Room makeup artist!), Larry and Rachel talk about what makes a good six-word love story on Boston’s public TV station.

KATU TV in Portland, OR: Larry and Rachel survive an early morning wake-up call and bad days to talk about the love book on Portland’s top morning TV show.

The Star (Malaysia): “From the blissful to the brokenhearted, a story can be told in just half a dozen words, no matter how how deep your love is.”