The emperor looked on proudly as his daughter surveyed the massive fleet hangar, thousands of new star destroyers gleaming.
"Why do spaceships always look so phallic?" the princess finally said. "It's space. Ships don't need to be aerodynamic in space, just balanced around their center of gravity."
The admirals looked uncomfortable under her gaze.
"Well, uhm," a four-star attempted.
The princess waved his explanation away as she turned to leave. "If it wasn't for testosterone, we wouldn't need these damn things."
"Why do spaceships always look so phallic?" the princess finally said. "It's space. Ships don't need to be aerodynamic in space, just balanced around their center of gravity."
The admirals looked uncomfortable under her gaze.
"Well, uhm," a four-star attempted.
The princess waved his explanation away as she turned to leave. "If it wasn't for testosterone, we wouldn't need these damn things."
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