Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

“I’m from Deep South, California, Deutschland.”

BY Beyond.Hamilton on November 3, 2019
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Backstory: Born: Deep South. Moved to California to begin High School. I remained there for University. Returned to my father in the Deep South after a disability, but after a few years lived in Germany for several months to learn German after I realized I would never have such a chance again. So this is me! I am who I am thanks to my experiences. I traveled Europe alone not long after high school, before cellphones, and before I truly understood the languages of the countries I was traveling. I’m proud of my experiences. I don’t believe I could have survived my TBI, epilepsy or brain surgeries as well if I had not taken these chances and trips when I did. One of my statements in a journal I kept while traveling alone is: “I’ve found strengths I never knew I had, and weaknesses I’ve forgotten.”

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