Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Your Loving-Crazy-Unique Family in Six Words

BY TeamSixWords on November 3, 2021
382 | 7 Favorites
With autumn (not to mention gourd season!) in full swing, it's already time to look ahead and plan for the seasonal holidays. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and although the pandemic has put a wrench in the most traditional plans, many of us are looking forward to a safe family gathering. For SixContest #141, we'd like you to write a memoir about what makes your family unique.

Tell us about a peculiar tradition passed down through the generations, or habits that you've recently instituted. Family doesn't have to be related by blood; often we create our own "found family" among our friends and communities. How did you discover your family? And what sort of crazy shenanigans are you anticipating in between bites of pumpkin pie?

If you'd like to share a backstory (we love reading them!), be sure to submit your entry as a Six and include the link to the Backstory here in the comments below. Share as many stories as you like, but do post only one entry per comment.

Remember to tag us and include #SixWordsonFamily when posting your Six Words to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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