Each year, everyone gets the same 365 days, the same 8,760 hours, and the same 525,600 minutes. And still, the memories that come to be made up of these measurements of time vary greatly from person to person. In the same second that someone receives the best news of their life, someone else may receive the worst. Every person that experienced 2023 experienced it in a different way. For SixContest #154, we want to know how you experienced 2023.
What will you take away from 2023 and what would you prefer to leave behind? Was the year full of new experiences or well-spent re-experiencing old ones? How do you tell your 2023 story in six words?
If you'd like to share a backstory (we love reading them!), be sure to submit your entry as a Six and include the link to the Backstory in the comments below. Share as many stories as you like, but do post only one entry per comment.
Remember to tag us and include #2023inSixWords when posting your Six Words to Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram.
What will you take away from 2023 and what would you prefer to leave behind? Was the year full of new experiences or well-spent re-experiencing old ones? How do you tell your 2023 story in six words?
If you'd like to share a backstory (we love reading them!), be sure to submit your entry as a Six and include the link to the Backstory in the comments below. Share as many stories as you like, but do post only one entry per comment.
Remember to tag us and include #2023inSixWords when posting your Six Words to Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram.
Your Turn. Say It In Six™
Zero Words
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