Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Diane Guerrero Tag

CjJz-KpXIAEXjzR The personal histories that shape our families reach far and wide. For SixContest #77 — inspired by Orange Is the New Black and Jane the Virgin star Diane Guerrero's new memoir, In the Country We Love: My Family Divided — we invited you to share your own family stories in just six words. Each family is a collection of journeys (“Left everything behind. Crossed oceans. Lived.” —@MaggyTheBrave via Twitter). Some families are defined by adversity (“In the shadow of the Holocaust.” —Frieda W. Landau via Facebook), others by hope (“Homesteaders, refugees, immigrants. Moved for opportunity.” —@EugeneEvon via Twitter, Ed. Note: click link for the accompanying photo). In some cases,