Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute
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Things Don’t Have to Be Complicated: Illustrated Six-Word Memoirs By Students


Featured in the TED Books Library and inspired by Six Words’ popularity in English classes and art classes alike, SMITH Magazine called for submissions for illustrated Six-Word Memoirs, in which we asked students, whether in grade school or grad school, to create a piece of artwork that enhanced their memoirs.

The voices in Things Don’t Have to Be Complicated are younger than those of previous memoirists, but no less profound: “Said he loved me, he lied.” “Two girls, both of them me.” “Big dreams, big heart, big mouth.” “Break the rules now and then.” “Life is better with headphones on.”

At its core, the Six-Word Memoir offers a simple way for anyone of any age to try to answer the question that defines us all: Who am I?


Things Don’t Have to Be Complicated: Illustrated Six-Word Memoirs by Students Making Sense of the World

Publisher: TED Conferences (December 18, 2012)


2 reviews for Things Don’t Have to Be Complicated: Illustrated Six-Word Memoirs By Students

  1. Larry Smith

    Perhaps my favorite among the books!

  2. Alla

    Very true! Makes a change to see sooneme spell it out like that. 🙂

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