On Day Three of the Six-Word Festival on Twitter, Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen told us in many ways what it takes to #keepmarriagealive. Biggs suggested “Weekly date nights. Must leave house.” while Mollen urged us to “Always tell him he looks skinny.” Simon Doonan also shared his marital insights with “Happy marriage: teasing each other constantly.“.
Many secrets were shared during this challenge—which trended! Many also saw this prompt as a podium to voice their opinions on gay marriage. @ClaytonT tweeted “Let gay people marry each other.“, which received lots of favorites and was even retweeted by Jason Biggs. The prompt really picked up when Dan Savage and Rick Springfield joined our Twitter party!
Here’s the most memorable marital advice shared by celebs:
.@JasonBiggs @sixwords “You’re right—let’s have a threeway.” #keepmarriagealive #sixwords
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) June 6, 2014
#keepmarriagealive “We are each other’s best editors.” What’s yours? Tell me + @sixwords #sixwords
— Daniel Jones (@danjonesnyt) June 6, 2014
Couples therapy, especially during good times. #keepmarriagealive #sixwords @sixwords
— Jason Biggs (@JasonBiggs) June 6, 2014
Never let him know you’re funnier. @sixwords #wekeepourmarriagealiveby
— Jenny Mollen (@jennyandteets) June 6, 2014
#keepmarriagealive “Marry Barbara Porter like I did.” What’s your secret? Tell @sixwords #sixwords
— Rick Springfield (@rickspringfield) June 6, 2014
My #keepmarriagealive “Happy marriage: teasing each other constantly.” Tweets yours to @simondoonan & @sixwords #sixwords
— Simon Doonan (@simondoonan) June 6, 2014
But the real challenge was picking a Top Six. Here are six tweets that really stood out:
#keepmarriagealive Wear heels, wear only those heels @sixwords #sixwords
— Amanda Schleman (@AmandaSchleman) June 6, 2014
#keepmarriagealive We enjoy our own 50 shades. @sixwords @jennyandteets #sixwords #50ShadesOfGrey
— Ana (@TigerVida) June 6, 2014
@sixwords @JasonBiggs @jennymollen @simondoonan #keepmarriagealive #sixwords Laughter is necessary, yelling is not.
— Danda (@danda_lynn) June 6, 2014
@sixwords @JasonBiggs @JennyMollen @simondoonan #keepmarriagealive #sixwords Drink lots and hide from children
— JayG (@vaglaser) June 6, 2014
@JasonBiggs that other girl is always fatter #keepmarriagealive #sixwords
— Keiran (@AccidentalCreep) June 6, 2014
Yes, you are absolutely right honey. #keepmarriagealive #sixwords @JasonBiggs @sixwords
— Stephanie Louise (@wease) June 6, 2014
Congrats to @pga_wife for winning “We keep our marriage alive by…!” Share your Six Words anytime at sixwordmemoirs.com for 24/7 sixing!
Alright guys, it wasn’t easy. So many amazing #sixwords entries for #keepmarriagealive . But my winner is…
— Jason Biggs (@JasonBiggs) June 6, 2014
.@pga_wife : I have ten minutes. Let’s go. #sixwords #keepmarriagealive @sixwords
— Jason Biggs (@JasonBiggs) June 6, 2014
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Judy Gray
We stayed and worked it out.
This is the peecrft post for me to find at this time