Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Best of the Fest: “What’s your Six-Word Memoir?” #sixwordmemoir

Six Word Fest 2014 - AdEveryone has a story to tell, and our final prompt gave people the chance to tell theirs. Just as with our Six-Word book series, we had writers famous and obscure join in the fun! Even The Tony Awards came out to play, tweeting out #SixWordMemoirs written by award nominees like this one:

We had lots of well-known writerly folks share their #sixwordmemoirs today, including these six: Gretchen Rubin, Abby EllinMary Beth Williams, Mandy Stadtmiller, Joe Levy and Panio Gianopoulos.

Here are today’s most memorable memoirs shared by some noteworthy contributors:

With so many incredible memoirs to choose from, it was difficult to pick just six, but here are the favorites from our final challenge:

Follow @SixWords to see the winning Memior! Thanks for joining us and contributing your incredible Sixes! Share your memoirs 24/7 at


  • Roberta Morgan
    June 10, 2014

    I am so pleased to know we have so many
    fine minds and good writers among us. As an author and teacher, it validates my career in a world obsessed with making money, not quality.

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