Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Love Advice in Six Words


Are you busy planning those romantic gestures or wondering when you’ll find a love of your own? Whatever the case, the red and pink hallmarks of Valentine’s Day are unavoidable and we know those decadent heart-shaped chocolates are putting your new year’s resolutions to the test. What better time to challenge you with SixContest #69, looking for your best #LoveAdviceIn6Words? Some advice is poetically compelled by covenants of the heart (“To love there is no hiatus.” —torturedbutterfly), while others suggested redirecting cupid’s letters to your spam folder (“Close the ex files for good.”—Neesha101). With more than 500 entries on our site and even more on social media, the love advice from our Six Words community is like counseling at the right price: free! The doctor is in—and so are the Top Six memoirs:

6. “Sex is important; so is kindness.” —bishop57

5. “Love Illuminated: Romance Overrated, Goodwill Underrated.”
—@Philippa_Perry (via Twitter)

4. “Intelligent conversations are sexier than flirtation.” —FrostedAria

3. “Find someone to be yourself with.” —@CambiBrown (via Twitter)

2. “Limit emotional baggage to one carry-on.” —Susan_Breeden

And the top love advice that has appeal literally and figuratively…

1. Strip away the illusion of perfection. —Vangartist

Congratulations to Vangartist — who wins a copy of our latest book, The Best Advice in Six Words — and thanks to all who participated! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!

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