Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six-Word Hunches for the Next Decade

What will the next ten years will bring? The Six-Word community had some hunches. Some made political predictions (“We get a woman President finally.” –JAD), while others betted on business (“Amazon delivers genetically engineered progeny overnight.” –Overlooking-A-Lake). We suspect some aspects of the present will be no more (“Post office reclassified as stamp museum.” –CanadaGoose ), while others  will come back to bite us (“Mother Nature will demand some restitution.” –Kharis). Some hunches were close to home (“Clarity through sobriety resulting in happiness!” –Atley), while others were out of this world  (“My extraterrestrial girlfriend has three hearts” –BanjoDan). No one can be sure which hunches will come true, but we can confirm Shoumo‘s prediction: “Revisit this contest after ten years.”


Here are our favorite hunches for the next decade:

6. “Conditions are right. Liftoff is imminent.” –megallwein via Instagram

5. “Pronouns will come into their own” –CapeCodder

4. “Internet addiction will make the DSM.” –scribbling_scribe

3. “Penguins and other wildlife will sue.” –Liberatissima 

2. “I’ll be wealthy, performing tattoo removals.” –Loon

And the winner is…

1. “Roaring 20s. Century later: Uproaring 20s.” –Hemingway1955


Congratulations to Hemingway1955!

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