Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six “Fall Feels Like… [add three words]”

During these past few months, Six-Word Memoir writers rose up to the latest contest challenge while watching temperatures drop and leaves collect on sidewalks and gutters. For our SixContest #153, Six-Word Memoir writers responded to the prompt, “Fall Feels Like [add three words]” with more than 800 wide-ranging musings and meditations on the transformative season.

Many of you appreciated the comforting nature of fall (“Fall feels like peace and calmness” – mekhirodgers and “Fall feels like a warm hug.” – l8leigh). Others enjoy nature’s indicators that the season is changing (“Fall feels like fun with leaves.” – Quest Crew and “Fall feels like Leaves falling down.” – vinevvinchanzo). A number of short form scribes took a thoughtful approach to reflecting on fall (“Fall feels like a somber celebration.” – Olive_Evangeline and “Fall feels like the earth exhaling.” – Hemingway1955). And, of course, some Sixers are just here for the food (“Fall feels like steaming apple cider.” – cturner and “Fall feels like pumpkin spice lattes.” – graceee). We invite you to feast on our Top Six picks!

6. “Fall feels like books needing reading.” — favepeep

5. “Fall feels like fireplace and chill.” — Stella_Matutina

4. “Fall feels like Mother Earth exhales.” — suziehamm 

3. “Fall feels like ending the beginning.” — JordanPyle 

2. “Fall feels like my favorite F-word.” enginethatcould

And the winner is…

1. “Fall feels like I’m the leaf.”  — akakai

Congratulations to akakai — we feel you, fall, and your six words!

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