Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

New Book! Spread the Word About “Six-Words Memoirs on the Pandemic”

“A wonderfully poignant, clever way to record and remember these endlessly unprecedented times. Not only were the bite-size memoirs full of wit and wisdom, but arranged by theme or relationship (it was fun to see kids’ thoughts next to their parents’) had an extra layer of meaning.” 
—L G, Educator, NetGalley Review

Congratulations published Six-Word Memoir writer!

On behalf of Six-Word Memoirs, Author Solutions, and myself, we are delighted to send your contributor copy of A Terrible, Horrible, No Good Year: Hundreds of Six-Word Stories on the Pandemic by Teachers, Students, and Parents.

This book is a true collaboration. With more than 500 personal stories, we have, together, created a time capsule of this unprecedented time. We hope you will join us in spreading the word about the book in whatever way feels right to you.

Sample Social Media Posts
Please include the book cover—perhaps hold it up and take a selfie—and a link to one of the booksellers here:

Facebook: The year 2020: zero out of six stars. @sixwordmemoirs book “A Terrible, Horrible, No Good Year: Hundreds of Stories on the Pandemic”– which includes my own six-word memoir—is officially for sale!

Twitter: I am now a published author. 📚 Read my other @SixWords memoir in “A Terrible, Horrible, No Good Year: Hundreds of Stories on the Pandemic”   #sixwordmemoirs #pandemicstories #COVIDin6

Instagram (take a selfie of you showing the book cover or take a shot holding up the page with your six words): I’m in a book! Read my six-word pandemic story and 500+ more from teachers, parents, and students on the pandemic —including 30 incredible illustrated stories by students @six.word.memoirs.

TikTok/Video: Especially if your student or child is a contributor, we’d love them to create a short video (which can be lovely and effective with or without their face shown). For best results: 1. 30 seconds or less; 2. Portrait mode; 3. Say your memoir, name and age (if comfortable doing so) and your memoir and/or what you love about the book.

Write a Review

  • Leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or, Reviews are essential to a book’s success. Links to all of the above are found at:
  • Have a book gathering (on Zoom or in real life) and use the six-word form as a way to help people share their own stories of the pandemic. Email photos of your gathering to [email protected], and we’ll post them on and social media.
  • Have a blog, newsletter, or a mailing list? Run a What’s Your Six-Word Pandemic Story? contest. Let us know, and we’ll supply you with a book for your winner.
  • Tell neighborhood booksellers that you are a contributor to a new book on the pandemic and encourage them to stock it. Share my email for details on how to get copies of the book: [email protected]

Want to Buy Copies in Bulk?

For orders of six books or more, email me to arrange a discount (six books for the price of five).

We are so proud of this collection and thank you for being part of our story.

Larry Smith

Founder & Editor, Six-Word Memoirs

p.s. We’ve launched our new “Six In Schools” initiative that guides teachers through a simple process to make their own professionally published classroom book — and raises money for schools with each book that parents or guardians buy. Share this link with the teacher in your life and welcome them to the world of Six Words.


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