Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

More and Less in Six Words

Life is a delicate balance, where a little bit more or less of something could make a world of a difference. For SixContest#106, we simply asked you to fill in the blanks of this six-word prompt: “Need more ____. And less ____.” There were suggestions for the ideal week (“Need more weekend. And less work.”—sami_kiley) and a preference for quality over quantity on social media (“Need more Smithmag. And less Twitter.” —DynamicDbytheC). Many students joined in this contest with words of wisdom (“Need more peace. And less bullying.” —a Freshman Seminar student in Mrs. Jensen’s class). And the call for “more” demanded numerous tributes to Will Ferrell (“Need more cowbell. And less Muzak.” —ksan). Our thanks to power-Sixer Amapola for inspiring this contest (“Need more breathing. And less pollution.”).

Introducing our top choices for #MoreAndLessIn6Words:

6. “Need more spell-check. And less auto-correct.” —enginethatcould

5. “Need more vodka. And less tonic.” —BigMammaPetunia

4. “Need more revitalization. And less gentrification.” —sisterpoet

3. “Need more culture. And less appropriation.” —Bevvie

2. “Need more “ayuda”. And less ‘Despacito.’” —Lee-Sean Huang

And finally, the entry that was More and Less the best:

1. “Need more mudita. And less schadenfreude.” —S.ScottWalker [Editor’s Note: we had to look up mudita, too.]

Congratulations to S.ScottWalker, who will receive a copy of our 2018 daily calender: “Secrets to Happiness in Six Words.” Thanks to everyone who contributed—whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!




  • JohnBigJohn
    December 1, 2017

    All great sixes!!

  • papers
    May 22, 2018

    A magnificent article that reminds us that life is so changeable and unpredictable, papers that it is simply necessary to be able to balance every moment.

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