New SixContest: We’re swimming in Sixes! Use “swim” in a Six-Word Memoir

Dr. King's Legacy, in Six Words

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial opens in DC this week, a tribute to a man whose words moved so many. Dr. King’s effectiveness had much to do with his powers of oratory. While King had many words, sometimes, as we know, just a few words—six seems to work well —can make a big statement. And now The Washington Post and SMITH wonder how you can sum up Dr. King in just a half-dozen well–chosen words.

Here are few from Twitter, tagged #MLKin6:
@caobanya The nonviolent struggle that changed America.
@bigflak0 from India to Indiana, freedom rings.
@sklopfer Not perfect but led with love
@SpiritsEye One man can change the world
@gregory Politicians are no match for ideas.
@tdj6899 I live better because he died.

Share your succinct take on King’s life, work, or what he means to you on The Washington Post, or Tweet it with the hashtag #MLKin6. The Post will print a selection of responses in the paper.

Photo: Courtesy of Flickr user Ehpien.


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