Six-Words on Food, Dads, and Pets for Your Satisfaction
Ah, Google Alerts: bringing the world's weird, wild, and inspired used of SMITH’s Six-Word Memoirs into our in-box each day. Here's a look at just some of what's arrived in the past week or so. “Want customer loyalty? Make service easy.”: We suppose it was just a matter of time before six-words crossed into the realm of employee handbook. Customer Service Buzz has challenged its readers to submit their own six-words on customer service as a training tool for employees to realize what really matters when trying to please customers. In two words: that works. “Eat food with purpose, on purpose”: Six-words come in a bite-size morsel for your mind to digest, and that’s exactly what Psychology Today’s Susan Albers wants to feed to her readers. Explaining that with the six-word mantra “eat food with purpose, on purpose” you can avoid eating meaninglessly, melting pounds and living more healthfully.