New SixContest: We’re swimming in Sixes! Use “swim” in a Six-Word Memoir

Six-Words on Food, Dads, and Pets for Your Satisfaction

Ah, Google Alerts: bringing the world’s weird, wild, and inspired used of SMITH’s Six-Word Memoirs into our in-box each day. Here’s a look at just some of what’s arrived in the past week or so.

“Want customer loyalty? Make service easy.”: We suppose it was just a matter of time before six-words crossed into the realm of employee handbook. Customer Service Buzz has challenged its readers to submit their own six-words on customer service as a training tool for employees to realize what really matters when trying to please customers. In two words: that works.

“Eat food with purpose, on purpose”: Six-words come in a bite-size morsel for your mind to digest, and that’s exactly what Psychology Today’s Susan Albers wants to feed to her readers. Explaining that with the six-word mantra “eat food with purpose, on purpose” you can avoid eating meaninglessly, melting pounds and living more healthfully.

“Jealous I can’t breast feed, too”: A forum thread asks its community members to give six words on fatherhood, ranging from poopy diapers, hair-loss, and angsty ‘tweens. Sounds like moms and dads have lots in common.

“Photogenic, sleepy, spoiled, and slightly overweight.”: Speaking of being a mom or a dad, the travails of having a pet are an experience in itself. Reader’s Digest asks its readers to talk about living with their furry four-legged children in six words, because we all know, six words apply no matter how many legs and how much body hair you have.

Got your own ideas for how to use the Six-Word Memoir form? Already made a different use of six words? Let us know. And remember to send your people back to SMITH Magazine and share their sixes here—those words could end up in a future book.

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