Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

“Adulthood snuck up and yelled, ‘Boo.’ The Best Six-Word-Memoirs of the Week

As summer comes to a close, we at SMITH can’t help but get a little sappy. After all, there’s nothing wrong with a little sentimentality, right? As you read this week’s Six-Word Memoirs, don’t be afraid to let your nostalgic side show.

Most Suggestive: “Not losing hair. Finding it everywhere.” – treehugger
Worst Free Vacation: “I’m on an all-expenses-paid guilt-trip.” – Believe
Scariest Transition: “Adulthood snuck up and yelled, “Boo.” – The Angsty Poet
Most Unexpected Backstory: “35 year love affair culminated tonight.” – marymc (image above)
Best Wordplay: “I procrastinate; therefore, I do not.” – Bevvie
Most Touching Narrative Arc: “Even ugly ducklings learn to fly.” – priamsdaughter, from SMITHteens

Plus: Hey teachers and students! SMITH is now taking submissions for our forthcoming book of illustrated Six-Word-Memoirs by students of all ages, a new eBook with the folks at the TED conference.


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