Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

And the #PitchAMovieIn6Words Award Goes to…


Lights! Camera! Six Words! For SixContest #93, we challenged you to sit in the producer’s chair and #PitchAMovieIn6Words. Some of you presented intriguing plot lines inspired by fan favorites (“Something’s Gotta Give Me a Break” –canadafreeze), while others combined two existing movies to create a compelling story (“Snow White and The Seven Samurai.” –ksan). Many of your pitches were Oscar-worthy, but only six were able to stay off the cutting room floor.

Introducing the Top Six Movie Pitches…

6. “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner? Me.” –JAD

5. “Hidden Tiger Figures, Crouching Dragon Tattoo.” –Stella_Matutina

4. “Feminist “Grease”: Sandy flies away alone.” –@taradublinrocks

3. “Ferris Bueller gets promotion. Wall Street.” –DynamicDbytheC

2. “One Flew Back to the Future.” –JoC.

And the one that wins top billing…

1. The Perks of Being a Wizard” –TheatreGeek

Congratulations, TheatreGeek, and thanks to all who participated! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • Solstice and Ivy
    February 24, 2017

    Yay, JAD!!! And Sidney is now the oldest living Best Actor. 90 on Feb. 20th!!
    Yay Theater Geek! I saw your entry and just loved it! Glad you won top prize. Hermoine would be proud.
    Always enjoy the contests! My fav feature of Sixwords. Yay everybody!

  • JAD
    February 24, 2017

    Thanks , Solstice proud of Sydney he and mom around the same age. Miss you terribly.

  • JAD
    February 25, 2017

    Now why did I spell his first name like that?

    • Solstice and Ivy
      February 25, 2017

      I do it too sometimes! And I’m a long time fan of Mr. Poitier, like you. I even have to double check which way is correct! Enjoy the red Carpet! Ivy and I will be looking for you. 🙂

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