Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Best of the Fest: “Knew I was a mom when…” #KnewIWasAMom


We closed out Day Two of the Six-Word Festival on Twitter with BabyCenter, the go-to source for parents, who invited mothers to define that pinnacle moment in just Six Words. They kicked things off with “Started carrying wipes in my purse.” and the tales got messier from there. Leading Lady showed they know a thing or two about mothering and Nick Mom joined in with “You stop needing an alarm clock.

You told us about motherhood highlights and low-points and everything in between. Everything. Especially these six themes that trended on the topic:

 So many memorable times were shared—here are six of our favorite “Mom”ents:

p.s. we loved this late entry from POPSUGARMoms, better late than never!


Follow @SixWords to see the winner! And come back tomorrow (June 6th) for the third and final day of the Six-Word Festival on Twitter! Starting at 11:30am ET, you’ll discover how “We Keep Our Marriage Alive By…”  with Jason Biggs & Jenny Mollen, Simon Doonan and more!

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