Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Six in the City: Columbus at Columbus Arts Fest

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Summertime in Columbus means festivals, parades and celebrations. What better event than Columbus Arts Festival to kick off Six-Word Memoirs‘ most recent project, Six in the City: Columbus With a big thank you to our Columbus-based corporate sponsor, Express, people were invited to come up with their six words on Columbus, write it down, and jump in the photo booth to become a part of the big picture. As each individual photo was printed and posted to the “Express Yourself in Six Words” wall, a collective story about one city was told.


Just as any Columbus resident could expect, the festival went from blisteringly hot to drenched in rain within minutes. In no time, the Six-Word Memoirs tent became a gathering space for people looking to take shelter from the rain while sharing their Six in the City memoirs on Columbus.

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As more people stopped to tell their story, the walls filled with pictures, eventually helping tell the Columbus story through the eyes of children, parents, couples, students, and Columbus fans old and new. With this enthusiastic, creative and overwhelming response, Six in the City has sparked the Columbus conversation, and will be working to keep that conversation strong with upcoming events and meet-ups.


Want to get involved in Six in the City: Columbus?

Contact us here to ask any questions and let us know how you, your organization, business, or classroom wants to get involved.

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