SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

“Digital cosplay: I tweet in character.” The Best Six-Word Memoirs Of The Week

Best Six (July 12-July 18)-01

The six-word form not only calls for a creative use of words; it forces writers to explore sentence structure (or the absence thereof). This week’s best memoirs feature the typographical symbol known as the colon. This punctuation mark is a facilitator of sorts: it introduces ideas, brings lists together, and prepares readers for the information ahead. The colon also offers readers a pause, allowing deeper insights to float to the surface. Some Sixers use colons to highlight wordplay (“Up before the birds: Raven lunatic.”); others for dramatic effect (“Autistic speaks language of genius: silence.”). Sixers know how amazing the colon can be: it adds a touch of complexity that seasons the sentence to perfection. –Gilmarie Brioso

Most True: “Main problem with morning: too early.” –comicbookmommy

Best Wordplay: “Up before the birds: Raven lunatic.” –Contemplative

Best Recollection: “Flashbacks: seeing him everywhere I turn.” BecomingLuke

Healthiest: “Sewing: therapy with a foot pedal.” –LynneWein

Most Genuine: “Autistic speaks language of genius: silence.” –winklett

Most Social:Digital cosplay: I tweet in character.” –CSV1026

Ed. Note—Don’t miss CSV1026’s image and backstory.

Plus! There’s still time to submit to SixContest #31! Can you write a novel in six words? Get yours in by 3pm ET (7/18)!


  • Judy Gray
    July 22, 2014

    Life with ADD. Squirrel! Chicken! Bunny!

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