Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Discover the key to marriage with Jason Biggs, Jenny Mollen, and others!

Whether it’s knowing when to be silent or when to turn up the heat, each couple has little secrets that keep their marriage alive! Share your tips and tricks with us in just Six Words. Here’s how and when you can join in:

Friday, June 6 — 11:30am EDT
Prompt: “We Keep Our Marriage Alive By…”
Tweet: #keepmarriagealive “SIX WORDS OF YOURS GO HERE” #sixwords @sixwords
e.g., #keepmarriagealive “My marital leash: short, sharp, leathery.” #sixwords @sixwords

Jenny & JasonJason Biggs (@JasonBiggs), co-star of Orange Is the New Black (@OITNB), and his wife, Jenny Mollen (@jennyandteets), actress and author I Like You Just the Way I Am: Stories About Me and Some Other People, will issue the Six-Word challenge: “We Keep Our Marriage Alive By…

Simon & JonathanThey will be joined by the fashion expert and bon vivant Simon Doonan (@simondoonan), who shares his marital tidbits with partner Jonathan Adler.

• People who tweet during the #keepmarriagealive prompt may be included from our new book, Six Words of Advice from Writers Famous & Obscure, coming out in 2015 from St. Martin’s Press. You must tweet on June 6 between 11:30am-1pm EST, with the hashtag #keepmarriagealive and follow @sixwords.
• Each day during the festival, we’ll be giving away six Six-Word Memoir books at random times throughout the festival. All you have to do is tweet with the hashtags we’re using during each of the prompts, as well as follow @sixwords.

Follow @sixwords on Twitter for the latest on the Six-Word Fest and join us 24/7 at!


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  • Carolyn Parson
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