Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

“Middle school. Every week’s shark week.” The Best Six-Word-Memoirs of the Week

In honor of Shark Week, we’re showcasing Six-Word Memoirs that are as tumultuous as a summer swim in the ocean. Coping with visible and internal obstacles, these writers have managed to survive and emerge with all limbs (and six words!) in tact.

Best Internal Rhyme: “City streets made a concrete girl.” – Wench, with the most commented memoir of the week.
Most Prescriptive: “Need moral Viagra to stiffen resolve.” – Hieronimo
Most Treacherous Waters: “Middle school. Every week’s shark week.” – L2L3
Best New Programming: “Having an episode. No, a season.” – GraphixGoddess, (profile image above).
Loveliest Metaphor: “Feeling invisible. Everyone runs into me.” – maryjane31
Most Practical Self-Help: “Options: Get bitter or get better.” – smallsaddenedsearching, from SMITHteens

And a bonus seventh one for this week…
Most Interesting Debut: “Vb uVm qQqpm Mp buvp fouz.” – treehugger, with a backstory that serves as an excellent decoder.

Plus: Hey teachers and students! SMITH is now taking submissions for our forthcoming book of illustrated Six-Word-Memoirs by students of all ages, a new eBook with the folks at the TED conference.

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