One of our Sixers, Lokisana, put it best: “Technology is great…when it works.” The more we rely on, live with, need, and love our technological tools, the more difficult, paralyzing, heart-breaking, and yes, even life-threatening it can be when they break down.
The messy rollout of Obamacare could be the greatest tech-support scandal ever—and a good time to reflect on our techno-tools and their challenges. In honor of all of the folks struggling with and everyone trying to deal with their various gadgets and programs, here are some Six-Word Memoirs on technology gone wrong:
Keep hitting refresh but nothing changes.
Technology: daily demonstration of Murphy’s Law
Definitely some glitches in the matrix.
Seen one avatar, seen them all.
Error 404, not found, my fate.
Computer. Me. Similar coping mechanisms. Crash.
Ctrl Alt Delete. Now single again.
Laptop died. Think it was suicide.
Technology has killed the virtue patience
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