Six-Word Search: Christmas
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Christmas is nearly upon us! The spirit of the season is alive and well here at Six Words—assuming your idea of Christmas includes not only love, generosity, and kindness to strangers, but also shopping anxiety, inter-faith celebration, and some complicated relationships with Santa Claus. A Merry Christmas to all our loyal Six Worders. Enjoy the holidays and have fun!
Here are some of our favorite Christmas-themed Six-Word memoirs:
Jesus and I share a birthday! -theatregirl2513
There goes Santa. Where’s my car???? -thepoet1
#sixwords: Sixes on Twitter
So you've seen the hilarious, clever, heartfelt, Six-Word Memoirs that are constantly being written on this very website. But have you seen Six-Word stories being shared on Twitter with #sixwords? Check it out, then be sure to favorite, retweet, and share your own. For whatever reason, the Sixes on Twitter have a tendency to be more intimate and more explicit. But, as you'll see below, the Twitter Sixes come in all sorts of colors and flavors.
Here are some of our favorite Six-Word Stories posted on Twitter over the past month or so: Life and Legacy of Nelson Mandela: Caption Contest Week Four, Plus Week Three Favorites!
Last week's contest celebrating texting and the 21st birthday of the first SMS message had your fingers clicking! Here are six of our favorites:
- "Let my fingers do the talking." -xBriex
- "Living in the world of LOL"- Monique
- "Breaking up – just made super easy!"-eleni
- "Generations of cursive down the drain."- TigerROS
- "Remember when beeping someone was high-tech?"-Mzejay
- "Fingers clicking, responses whirring, communication instant."- Olivia
Photo courtesy of
Text Messaging—It's Alive and Kicking! Caption Contest Week Three, Plus Our Week Two Favorites
Week two's caption contest celebrating Miley Cyrus' 21st birthday was quite the hot topic with a volume of hot responses. Alas, here are our Six favorites:
1. "Tongue in cheek gal lets loose." -Mindfest
2. "Best of both worlds? Uh uh." -Lamom7
3. "I understand his achy breaky heart." -NY2LA
4. "I was right: Everybody makes mistakes." -Claire
5. "Tough, tantalizing, twerking tongue twisters tonight?" -Almira
6. "Gene Simmons is my real father." -wolfie
Week three of our caption contest continues with the celebration of, ironically, another 21st birthday: text messaging.
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