Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Six-Word Search: Christmas

Christmas is nearly upon us! The spirit of the season is alive and well here at Six Words—assuming your idea of Christmas includes not only love, generosity, and kindness to strangers, but also shopping anxiety, inter-faith celebration, and some complicated relationships with Santa Claus. A Merry Christmas to all our loyal Six Worders. Enjoy the holidays and have fun!


Here are some of our favorite Christmas-themed Six-Word memoirs:


Jesus and I share a birthday! –theatregirl2513

There goes Santa. Where’s my car???? –thepoet1

Merry Christmas, I still hate you! –BecomingLogyn

Dear Mom, Christmas sucks without you. –LadyMac

Whips, canes, jingle bells… Naughty Santa. –Wench

Santa, I want someone’s ass kicked. –illuminatrix

Secluded island would suffice for Christmas. -ADHDean

Atheists aren’t in for the presents. –TheAngstyPoet

Many of life’s presents remain unopened. –Level1

Santa, read more carefully this year. –petite

Let’s take reindeer-stomped Gramma to ER. –lisamoans

Santa Claus come light my menorah –DD1

His relapse was my Christmas present –inepifany

416 shopping days until NEXT Christmas. –Staraj

My Christmas Budget…. Nada, Zip, Nothin’ –MoveForward

Chinese food. Christmas Carolers. Jewish Family notjustagirlintheworld

Santa giving family Six-word Memoirs Calendars. –Steve__Anthony

Palin got rundover by a reindeer. –Loon

I’m sugar-coated and ready for Santa.canadafreeze

Eggnog and screaming. Definitely Christmas time. lazscott89

Dear Santa… Been naughty. Not sorry.;) –accidentaltourist

Wrapping a fragile gift? Just encase! –LetTheWolfin


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