Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Celebrity Crushes in Six Words


They say you never forget your first love and apparently your celebrity crushes are just as memorable! For SixContest #50, we asked you to tell us which celebs captured your desires. Teen Beat may be long gone, but as your memoirs reveal, those passions can be reignited in an instant (or in just Six Words). And there are plenty of modern-day crushes to keep you tingling! A selection of our favorite entries will be included in the upcoming book, Crush: Writers Reflect on Love, Longing, and the Lasting Power of Their First Celebrity Crush (HarperCollins, 2016), edited by writer and Six-Word contributor Cathy Alter and Dave Singleton.

We’re infatuated with all of your crushes, but these six really got us going:

6. “‘Dear Emma,’ Redacted. ‘Dear Unrequited Feelings.’” (Emma Watson) —Blacked0utWorld

5. “Boy crushes only, until Julia Roberts.” (Julia Roberts) —@eagle_fire (via Twitter)

4. “Penélope Cruz: My Woman on Top.” (Penélope Cruz) —G_Austin

3. “Oh to be Mr. Darcy’s shirt.” (Colin Firth) —Lizasighs

2. “My Tiger Beat centerfold first kiss.” (Shaun Cassidy) —@amysmithpickett (via Twitter)

And the most swoon-worthy celebrity crush is:

1. “From sneakers to crop tops. Sigh.” (Taylor Swift) —@JScribe (via Twitter)

Congratulations @JScribe, and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • Solstice
    April 28, 2015

    This was my all time favorite, favorite contest!!! Congratulations to the winners. And Shaun Cassidy–how could I have forgotten about this Hardy Boy?? Really loved that one, @amysmithpickett

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