As the summer season hits its stride, everyone is thinking about that ultimate getaway. For SixContest #57, whether it’s going on an international adventure or finding solitude, we asked you to share your dream vacation in Six Words. We loved your desires to connect with family roots (“Learning my family history in Prague.” —Kraye) and wish we could join you on those trips to remote destinations (“Finding illumination in an Icelandic lighthouse.” —favepeep), as fictional as they may be (“A quick dash through Platform 9-3/4.” —ThisLittleBird). Wherever summer takes you, Six Words is glad to be along for the ride! —Abbie Martin Greenbaum
The Top Six Dream Vacations:
6. “See Neil Armstrong’s footprint up close.” —MsKillie
5. “Staycation. At home. Without the children.” —Tanja C. (via Facebook)
4. “Beachside bungalow, island I can’t pronounce.” —@tcharles (via Twitter)
3. “Mother and daughter reunion. Cuba bound!” —kiwina
2. “Wherever Google Earth can’t find you.” —wescoll
And the Top Spot for your ultimate getaway…
1. “First class on someone else’s dime.” —@EllenMeister (via Twitter)
Honorable Mentions! Check out these photo entries from Instagram—because a picture can take you there:
Congratulations, , and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!
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