Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Novels Written in Six Words

Robert Capa 937

In SixContest #31, we celebrated the man who started it all. Ernest Hemingway’s six-word novel (“For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”) inspired us all, so we asked you to take the Hemingway challenge in honor of his 115th birthday on July 21. With nearly 600 entries, there were scores of unique and creative stories, including many incredible riffs on the classic “For sale” beginning. Here are six of our favorites:

6. “Starry dreams. Paltry means. Cunning schemes.” –Liag 

5. “Entered hospital a couple. Exited solo.” –DynamicDbytheC

4. “Mother adjusted the mirror, and smirked.” –HeWhat

3. “For sale. Politician’s soul. Highest bid.” –BanjoDan

2. “Spilled the yogurt, a Greek tragedy.” –3peat

And our top-rated Six-Word Novel is…

1. “Bankrupt monastery became a dude ranch.” –TeaTopper

Congrats to TeaTopper and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our Caption Contests, on FacebookTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • 3peat
    July 18, 2014

    I’m flattered, there were many ingenious six-word novels. Mine was more of a six-word play.

  • Liag
    July 20, 2014

    Thanks,Team Six! And thanks, novelists, for the hundreds of creative variations on the theme. Great reads.

  • TeaTopper
    July 21, 2014

    Wow! I’m almost speechless. Thank you.

  • sandra o
    July 22, 2014

    I Love doing six word story,all because Of him.

  • Carol Drechsler
    July 27, 2014

    For sale: cancerous lung with papers

  • Pat Boggs
    August 15, 2014

    If I had thumbs, the dog!

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