Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six “Random, Strange, Wild Acts of Kindness”

For SixContest #146, we asked Sixers to share stories about unexpected kindness. In the hustle and bustle of daily life it’s easy to underestimate how selflessness and compassion can uplift our family, friends, neighbors, and ourselves. Perhaps that’s why it’s often in the least expected moments that a smallest act of kindness make the biggest impact on our busy days.

Sixers revealed their community’s true colors as they described heartwarming stories about small acts of kindness from surprise gifts (“A coffee for you, just because.” — mollyclaire2) and simple greetings (“Strange, the power of saying hello.” — smashlock). Several memoirs described the lasting impact of goodwill on others (“Waived adoption fees. Homes of dozens.” — danielle.victoria) and ourselves (“New boss: unfamiliar words of encouragement.” — randomstranger111). Finally, Sixers shared how kindness continues to persist in difficult times (“While unemployed, stranger paid my rent.” — Neesha101) and the power of paying it forward (“This time I was someone’s ‘angel’.” — zsuzsu). 

Here are our Top Six picks!

6. “How thoughtful the mosquito… I’m awake!” — brettbrady

5. “French toast brightens my brother’s day.” — TajA

4. “It Felt Great, Was Finally included.” — JackVG

3. “I give. I receive. It’s bountiful.” — canadafreeze

2. “Simple, unnecessary, stupid, life-changing conversation.” — 4okey

And the winner is…

1. “Hope arrives each day about noon.” — Apri

Backstory: My husband is fighting colon cancer and a friend gave our address to other cancer survivors around the world who send cards of hope and encouragement to everyone in our family.

Congratulations Apri for your beautiful memoir and backstory, and the much needed reminder of kindness in our world! 


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