Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Top Six Words for LGBT Pride


This week we celebrated LGBT Pride Month in six style. For SixContest #29, we asked, “What does Gay Pride Month mean to you?” and you answered with fervor! Your submissions ranged from words of encouragement and empowerment to personal anecdotes, but all came in the spirit of equality and acceptance. Here are the Top Six favorites:

6. “22 years out. Thank you Ellen.” –rlwoliver

5. June Pride reminder of lost friends.” –G_Austin (see link for a beautifully-recounted backstory)

4. “Wish my gay ancestors lived now.” –Baca

3. “Hate must desist. LGBT does exist.” –@forsilentvoices (via Twitter)

2. “Yes, I’m in the right bathroom.” –@buxtherapper (via Twitter)

And our top-rated Six-Word Memoir is…

1. “Judging is for contests not love!” –MissUnderstood

Congrats to MissUnderstood! Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our Caption Contests, on FacebookTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • Sami Swan Thompson
    July 2, 2014

    Who you love is YOUR business.

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