Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six Memoirs to Celebrate Character


Character informs how we think and behave. We all have “character,” but it’s the personal experiences that make our character strengths unique and play an important role in our successes. For SixContest #84, in honor of Character Day, we asked you to capture character with the Six-Word challenge: “What does “character” mean to you?” Character Day founder Tiffany Shlain reminds us that our character strengths evolve, offering room for growth and personal development (“We are all works in progress.” —@tiffanyshlain via Twitter).

Wake Forest University Office of Student Engagement included #CharacterIn6Words in their #CharacterDay2016 event to help students identify what’s at the heart of character:

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The winner of our Flash Contest on Twitter will receive a copy of The Best Advice in Six Words (“Edit the bad. Embellish the good.” —@KathrynDiPasqua).

Although Character Day 2016 is over, these Top Six memoirs highlight the values and qualities we should continue to develop year-round:

6. “Moving mountains with persistence, overcoming resistance.” —mzejay

5. “Living your truth, accepting your flaws.” —ChristineMacdonald

4. “I am badass, not half ass.” —Danir

3. “True character: revealed when one’s alone.” —JoC.

2. “Doing what’s right, not what’s popular.” —rsqdogsmom

And the character-filled Six Words we all can live by:

1. “Finding and following a purposeful path.” —tagishcharley

Honorable Mention goes to Middle School teacher @elizurb3, who jumped early into the #CharacterIn6Words conversation and brought fellow educators and students along with her (including these gems: “Responsibility leads the way in life” and “Small acts of leadership change lives”). 

Congratulations to tagishcharley, and thanks to all who participated! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!

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