Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

“Wink at moon tonight for Neil.” The Best Six-Word-Memoirs of the Week

Along with the death of Neil Armstrong, this week marked many new beginnings, endings and discoveries in the SMITH community. Whether you’re getting into gear for the school year, traveling away or staying close to home, don’t miss out on reading these out of this world Six-Word Memoirs.

Toughest Narrative Arc: “Checkbook always has a sad ending.” – maryjane31
Strangest Meal: “Paranoia: My potato is watching me.” – The Prosperous Artist, with the most commented memoir of the week.
Best Wordplay: “Dear sleep architect; Tired of renting.” – Contemplative
Best Tasting Backstory: “Baked own wedding cake without recipe.” – Amapola
Most Commemorative: “Wink at moon tonight for Neil.” – canadafreeze(profile image above)
Best Rhyme: “Silence speaks when words are weak.” – Bethecharge, from SMITHteens

Plus: Welcome back teachers and students! Here’s a lesson plan idea: Six-Word Memoirs. Download our free teacher’s guides. And check out our call for submissions for our forthcoming book of illustrated Six-Word-Memoirs by students of all ages, a new eBook with the folks at the TED conference.


  • jl333
    September 1, 2012

    Kudos to all of those featured. I believe that the profile picture actually belongs to Canadafreeze. Contemplative has a different profile pic.

  • bevvie
    September 1, 2012

    cool memoirs!

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