Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

February 2008

rachel-summer.jpgWe packed the glorious Housing Works Bookstore with hundreds of the best people you could ever want to hear stories from---in six words or more. Contributors piled in from all over the country, including a certain 25 year-old Minnesotan who answers to the name Summer Grimes (seen on the still of the video below), and flew to New York just for the party. She wrote a six-word life story that goes like this: "Not quite what I was planning...."

In celebration of the upcoming release of the book—Feb. 5, our own Super Tuesday—Rachel and I are spinning out a few "story behind the six" tales. Rachel, who has been the one most contributors have gotten to know over the past year (and to whom they've sent photos, origami, and I suspect marriage proposals), can really tell you stories. I myself just stumbled upon a post from a good friend of ours, SMITH contributing editor Rachel Kramer Bussel.