New SixContest: We’re swimming in Sixes! Use “swim” in a Six-Word Memoir

This Week In Google Alerts: Olympics & Quilting

Ah, Google Alerts. They arrive each day in my inbox, informing me who’s saying what about SMITH Magazine, and the latest Six-Word Memoir revelation, manifestation, and occasional abomination. These alerts, much like the Six-Word Memoirs that pour into SMITH each day, offer a funny window into what’s up with the world. So I’ve decided to start doing a round-up, oh, let’s call it once a week, of some of the more fascinating things I learn from Google Alerts. This week: Winter Olympics and wintry pillows.

The NBC’s “Olympic Pulse” blog announced, “Wanted: Six-word Winter Olympic stories,” inviting readers to leave their best winter sports six in the comments area. A few of my favorites so far: “Bode Miller: Ski brat! Grown up and golden.” “Torah! Torah! Torah! Half pipe attacked!” “USA Hockey Miracle, To Be Continued.” “Plushenko—fine wine or sour grapes?” “Miller time. Ono’s nine. Lindsey’s fine.” “He’s an ‘Animal’. White reigns supreme.” And who can argue with these six words: “The Olympics have the strangest events.”

If I told you that a blog post in which the writer showcased some quilted pillow with Six-Word Memoirs engraved on them would you be surprised? Me neither. Julie, who according to her profile hails from California’s Redwood Forest, has been adorning her handcrafted pillows with her short, short life stories. Her latest, “Forward motion isn’t always a requirement,” is, in four words: a work of art.


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