New SixContest! What are you for? What do you believe in?Say it in Six!

And the Winner of the Six-Word Caption Contest Is….

aneasyshot1.jpgThe winner of the SMITH and FOUND Mag’s Six-Word Caption Contest is Cassie Barton for “Home alone, Billy prepares TV dinner,” which now accompanies the photo you see here. Cassie’s a student in Oxford, UK who reports, “pleased—first time I’ve won anything,” and now lands every issue ever of FOUND, its book of FOUND Polaroids, and SMITH’s six-word memoir book .

Here are some more of our favorites from the SMITH community.

Spill, or I choke the dog!
Score one for the puddy tat.
Call me man boobs, will ya?
Bored, as papa went to Iraq!
Gimme the ball or Polly’s history.
Life before online role playing games.
Coping with boys who need bras.
No one fucked with Timmy’s crackers.
Young Charlton levels the playing field.
Take it back, they’re not boobs.
So you think you can sing?
Billy didn’t like Barack Parrot’s speech.
No, his grandma won’t take him.
Little Dicky Cheney: Hunter in Training.
Bigger allowance or the bird dies.
I bet you don’t even twitch.
Warning: Bored child with a gun.
Thanks, Snowball, the barrell’s clean now.
The dog’s OK, the bird goes.
Evil Genius Training, Day 2: Pets.
Know why the caged bird sings?
The actual hole will be bigger.
Jimmy tries his first remote control.
Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!
Target practice at Pee-Wee Taxidermy School.
Ya tengo la cara que merezco.
Sorry, I’m not a pet person.

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